About CW4WAfghan:
Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) is a member-based, Canadian registered charity founded in 1998 to advance education for Afghan girls, women and their families, and to educate Canadians about human rights. We develop and deliver high quality education programs and resources in three areas: 1. Investing in Basic Education; 2. Community Literacy and Libraries; and 3. Technology for Education; and in Canada, through a Public Engagement Program. In Afghanistan, our programs establish school and community libraries, run literacy classes for women of all ages, undertake teacher education, furbishing schools with science laboratory materials, operate a girls’ school in Kabul, and more. In Afghanistan, our dynamic, talented team manages, implements and monitors our programs. In Canada, almost 2,000 members and a local chapter network are engaged as global citizens and raise awareness and funds to support our programs. CW4WAfghan members believe that individuals, as global citizens, working in solidarity and with integrity of purpose and action, can affect positive change in the world through education and the promotion of human rights. The organization’s mission is: Canadians taking action, in partnership with Afghan women, towards improving conditions of human rights, ending women’s oppression, and providing opportunities for Afghan women to live their lives with dignity, certainty and purpose. To learn more about our programs, visit: www.cw4wafghan.ca