Everyday cycling in Edmonton is safe, widespread, and accessible to people of all comfort levels.
Bike Edmonton is a non-profit society dedicated to making everyday cycling in Edmonton safer and more widespread by providing bicycle services, education, and civic representation. We promote the bicycle as a healthy, economical, and ecologically sound mode of transportation.
At Bike Edmonton we believe that whether you’re 8 or 80-years-old, cities should work for everyone.
Whether you ride once a week, 265 bike-friendly days a year, or year-round, Bike Edmonton gives you the tools you need to enjoy cycling. Established as a non-profit society in 1980, we operate two volunteer-run community bike workshops, provide cycling education for people of all ages, host events with community partners year-round, and represent you at City Hall.
At Bike Edmonton you can learn how to fix your bike and explore the city by bike. Buy a refurbished bike, or donate a disused one. Meet other cyclists and help us advocate for a vibrant city.
We work to make cycling accessible for everyone because we believe that an Edmonton where anyone can choose to cycle is an Edmonton that’s better for all.