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Abbottsfield Youth Project (AYP) Society

Organization Description

To provide programs that encourage the development of effective living skills, the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices, and the connection of families to the community. AYP has been providing free life-skills programs for children ages 6-17 who live in high-risk North East Edmonton communities. Whether it be our flagship Community Outreach & Living Skills In-school program, our Community Explorers program or our ART with AYP program, our wide variety of after-school and evening program offerings foster the healthy development of each participant’s sense of self-esteem and self-worth. With each of our programs, our focus is to create a learn-through-play environment and encourage the development of effective living skills, the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices, and the connection of families to the community. Today, AYP offers 9 auxiliary programs, and is partnered with 12 schools in the Northeast area of Edmonton. In 2022, AYP supported 233 unique children and 171 unique families. Through our Healthy Snack Program, we offered 5117 healthy snacks to 233 unique children.

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